Tuesday, 26 November 2019
Wednesday, 20 November 2019
The XIII World Congress of the TUI, PS&A was held at Parvolia, Larnaca, Cyprus (Europe) on 16th and 17th November, 2019.Altogether 92 delegates from 22 (Twenty Two) countries across the world had participated in the congress. 19 (Nineteen) Women Delegates from different countries were also the part of total number of delegates.
Following delegates representing confederation of Central Government Employees and workers and All India State Government Employees Federation from India took part in the Congress.
1. Com. Ram Niwas Parasar, Asstt. Secretary General, Confederation of Central Government Employees and workers.
2. Com. Vrigu Bhattacharjee, Financial Secretary, Confederation of Central Government Employees and workers.
3. Com. Subhash Chander Lamba, President, All India State Government Employees Federation.
4. Com. Chandrappa Raghavan Jose Prakash, All India State Government Employees Federation.
5. Com. Gopalan Motilal, All India State Government Employees Federation
6. Com. Thoonikaril Chacko Methew Kutty, All India State Government Employees Federation.
7. Com. Shiv Pratap Singh, All India State Government Employees Federation
8. Com. Chandra Sekhar Reddy Nalamaru, All India State Government Employees Federation.
a. Com. Anbarasu Muthuvijayan, All India State Government Employees Federation.
The consecutive Sessions of XIII Congress were presided over by a composition of presidium which were headed by Com. Artur Sequeira, President, TUI PS&A.
The XIII Congress was inaugurated at 10 AM on 16th November, 2019. The welcome address was offered the General Secretary, Receiption Committee, Cyprus.
Com. Peirpaolo Leonardi, General Secretary, TUI PS & A had placed the introductory speech in terms of the report circulated on behalf of the Secretariat. In his speech he explained the Global scenario and endeavored to stress the need for building up the united struggle of working class worldwide against privatization and defending the rights of working class. He had also appealed upon the delegates to participate in the deliberation critically so that proper review of the activities could be done and future path of TUI PS & A could be decided in a right direction.
Following the introductory speech of the Secretary General, 38 (thirty eight) Delegates participated in the discussion representing their respective organizations and countries. On behalf of All India State Government Employees Federation, Com. Subhash Chander Lamba, President, Com. Chandrappa Raghavan Jose Prakash and Com. Chawla Sekhar Reddy Nalamaru addressed the house. Com. Vrigu Bhattacharjee, Financial Secretary addressed the houserepresenting the Confederation of Central Government Employees and workers’.
Com. Ram Niwas Parasar, Asstt. Secretary General, Confederation of Central Government Employees & workers and Com. Subhash Chandra Lamba, President, All India State Government Employees Federation were made the members of the presidium during the session that had continued on 17th November, 2019.
While endorsing the report, the Delegates who participated in the discussions narrated the challenges facing by the working class of their respective countries and the approaches being adopted by them to fight the challenges. Majority of the speakers expressed their opinion for forging unity among the workers across the world and building up strong resistance against fascism, capitalism, racism, gender discrimination and communalism etc. the incidents of Privalisation, outsourcing, work shrinkage, unemployment, jobless growth and curtailment of Trade Union rights worldwide were finding prominence in the deliberations of Delegates.
The delegates from India in specific have appraised the house that totality of working class of the country shall embark on a day’s strike on 8th January, 2020 opposing the anti-people and anti-worker policies of the present Government. They reported that the country is in recession and National Pension System, Privatization, outsourcing, denial of minimum wage, closure and retrenchments are the major confronting issues for the working class of the country and they are committed to fight the onslaughts. All the speakers have also offered their assurances of implementing the decision of XIII Congress of TUI PS&A. The participants in the deliberations have also stressed that the TUI PS &A needs to be and expended and strengthened further by composing Continent wise regional organizations and adopting the mechanism of democratic centralism.
Delegates from different organizations and countries have greeted the President and the Secretary General by presenting mementosrepresenting the tradition and culture of their countries and ethos of workers class movements.
The Indian delegation has also presented two separate mementos to the president and the Secretary General of TUI PS&A.
After the deliberations by the Delegates were over, Com. Gorge George Mavrikos, General Secretary, WFTU had offered his valuable speech enrichened totally with the guiding principles and road map for the unity and struggle. He had presented an in-depth analysis of the challenges before the working people of the world. He had appreciated that the presentations made by Delegates were truthful and confined with progressive thoughts. Appreciating the reporting’s and proposals of speakers from All India State Government Employees Federation and Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers of India, he greeted the Indian working class who are embarking on a day’s strike on 8th January, 2020 against the anti-working class and anti-people policies of Government of India. He also stated that; working class of India should not feel isolated in the struggleas WFTU and totality of its membership stand beside Indian working class. Referring to proposal for expansion of the formation of democratic forum of TUI PS&A by forming Continent wise regional platforms and infusing the practice of democratic centralism in decision making, he appreciatedthe proposal. He also informed that Com. Swadesh Deb Roy, who is the Deputy General Secretary of WFTU and TUIS and also the Internal General Co-ordinator from India, has already engaged himself for the task. Com. Mavrikos appraised the house that, more and more organizations and countries are aligning with the WFTUs and TUIS. World Congress of Textile workers and various other cross sectionsof working people are in the pipe line. Further, as per the target set in Durban, the strength of membership of WFTU has reached to 97 Million and it is expected that target of 100 Million would be able to be reached before the next Congress.
Summing up the discussion Com. Peirpaolo Leonardi, General Secretary had proposed a panel of 14 (fourteen) office bearers and committee members and 4 (four) Financial Committee members. The proposals were unanimously accepted by august House. Com. Artur Sequeira (Portugal) has been re-elected asthe President and Com. Zola Saphetha (Africa) has been elected as the new General Secretary of TUI PS&A for the next term. Com. Sree Kumar, Secretary General, All India State Government Employees Federation and Com. M. Krishnan, Secretary General, Confederation of Central Government Employees and workers from India have been re-elected as the Deputy Secretary General and one of the Committee members respectively from India.
After being declared as elected Com. Zola Saphetha, newly elected General Secretary addressed the house. In his brief but inspiring written speech Com. Saphetha re-affirmed that the slogans of “Workers of the world Unite-Workers have nothing to lose but their chain” is still relevant. He further stated that, all workers of the world shall be appealed to join the struggle against privatization. He also proposed that an urgent Secretariat shall be convened in South Africa by March, 2020 to decide about the further approach to be adopted to build up unity to carry forward the struggle to promote the causes of the working class throughout the world.
The XIII Congress was declared concluded with the decisions that-apart from implementing thedecisions of the XIII Congress, the occasion of 75th year of the WFTU shall also be celebrated with enthusiasm and seriousness throughout the world.
Wednesday, 6 November 2019
National Federation of Postal Employees
1st Floor North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi-110 001
Phone: 011.23092771 e-mail: nfpehq@gmail.com
Mob: 9718686800/9319917295 website: http://www.nfpe.blogspot.com
No. PF-1(a)/2019 Dated: 20th July, 2019
It is hereby notified under article 10 of Constitution of NFPE that the 11th Federal Council Session of National Federation of Postal Employees will be held at “MANAV SEWA SANGH, VRINDABAN, MATHURA (UP) from 25.11.2019 to 27.11.2019.
The following shall be the Agenda of the Federal Council:
1. Confirmation of the proceedings of Xth Federal Council held at Guwahati from 07.09.2016 to 09.09.2016.
2. (a) Consideration and adoption of the Triennial Report on activities of NFPE.
(b). Approval of Audited Accounts for the year 2016-17, 2017-18 & 2018-2019
(c) Budget estimates for next three years.
3. Organizational Review.
(i) (a) Role of NFPE during last 3 years in building united movement of Postal Employees and Central Government Employees.
(b) Organizational position at All India / Circle/Divisional level.
(c) Declaration of result of Membership Verification & GDS Membership Verification.
(ii) Review of settlement of Strike Charter of Demands on 8-9 January-2019.
(iii) Functioning of Postal JCA (NFPE/FNPO).
(iv) Functioning of affiliated Unions/Associations including GDS, Casual Labourers & Pensioners.
(v) Functioning of Departmental Council/RJCMs & holding of Periodical Meetings.
(vi) Right to Strike and Victimization of Trade Union Activists Office
Bearers by administration..
4. Common demands of CGEs.(Central Government Employees).
(i) Review of Report of 7th CPC & various Committees particularly Committee on Minimum Wage.
(ii) Downsizing, Outsourcing, Contractrization and Privatisation.
(iii) Restriction on compassionate appointments.
(iv) Ban on creation of Posts and filling up of vacant posts and amendment in recruitment Rules for various categories..
(v) New Pension Scheme.
(vi) MACP related issues.
(vii) Proposed Medical insurance scheme and our stand thereof./ CGHS related issues
(viii) Revision of Bonus Ceiling / OTA/OSA rates and implementation of Arbitration awards.
(ix) Five Promotions
5. Policy Offensives against Postal Services and Staff.
(i) Task Force Committee Report.
(ii) India Post Payment Bank.
(iii) Out sourcing and Downsizing of Postal Services.
6. Sectional problems.
(a) Cadre re-structuring in all sections of Department of Posts.
7. Implementation of Shri Kamlesh Chandra Committee report for GDS.
8. Financial Review.
9. Postal Crusader and other publications.
10. Amendments to the Constitution.
11. Policy and programmes Resolutions and other resolutions.
12. Election of Office Bearers.
13. Appointment of Auditor.
14. Venue of next Federal Council.
15. Any other item with the permission of Chair.
Vote of Thanks
(R.N. Parashar)
Secretary General
Copy to:
1. The Secretary/DG Department of Posts , Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110001 with the request to issue instructions for grant of Special Casual Leave to the Federal Councillors and All India Office Bearers of NFPE and General Secretaries.
2. All Chief Post Master Generals for information and action for grant of Special Casual Leave to the Federal Councillors and All India Office Bearers of NFPE and General Secretaries .
3. All Office Bearers of NFPE.
4. All General Secretaries of Affiliated union. / Associations.
Note: Amendments to the Constitution if any should be sent to Secretary General NFPE at least 30 days before the Federal Council i.e. before 24th October-2019 as per constitutional provisions.
(R.N. Parashar)
Secretary General
National Federation of Postal Employees
1st Floor North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi-110 001
Phone: 011.23092771 e-mail: nfpehq@gmail.com
Mob: 9718686800/9319917295 website: http://www.nfpe.blogspot.com
No.PF-01(b)/2019 Dated: 20th July, 2019
All Office Bearers of NFPE
All General Secretaries of NFPE Unions.\
It is hereby notified in accordance with Article 12 of the Constitution of NFPE that the meeting of the Federal Executive of National Federation of Postal Employees shall be held at “MANAV SEWA SANGH, VRINDABAN, MATHURA (UP) on 24.11.2019.” for considering the following agenda.:-
1. Approval of the Notified Agenda to the 11th Federal Council.
2. Adoption of the Draft Triennial Report on the activities of NFPE.
3. Approval of the Audited Accounts of the Federation for the period from
2016-17, 2017-18 & 2018-2019 and Budget estimates.
4. Finalization of Amendments if any received by the NFPE to its Constitution.
5.. Any other items with permission of the chair.
(R.N. Parashar)
Secretary General
Copy to:
1. The Secretary / DG , Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110001.
2. All the Office Bearers of NFPE and all General Secretaries.
3. All Chief Postmaster General: for information and kind action for grant of necessary special Casual Lave to the Office Bearers of the Federation and All the General Secretaries for the duration of the meeting and the journey time involved.
4. File.
(R.N. Parashar)
Secretary General
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
National Federation of Postal Employees
1st Floor North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi-110 001
Phone: 011.23092771 e-mail: nfpehq@gmail.com
Mob: 9718686800/9319917295 website: http://www.nfpe.blogspot.com
No.PF-1(e) 2019 Date: 05th November, 2019
All General Secretaries / NFPE Office bearers
All Circle / Divisional and Branch Secretaries of NFPE Affiliated Unions
NFPE Federal Council is scheduled to be held at Manav Sewa Sangh Vrindaban, Mathura (UP) from 25th November to 27th November,2019. Open session will be held on 25th November,2019 from 11A.M. Veteran Trade Union Leaders of various Central Trade Unions, Confederation and Ex. Leaders of NFPE will address the Open Session.
Federal Executive Meeting of NFPE will be held at Manav Sewa Sangh , Vrindaban, Mathura (UP) on 24th November,2019 at 03P.M.
On request of Reception Committee the delegate fee has been revised and fixed as Rs.2000/- as the programme will br for 4 days. Earlier it was declared as Rs.1500/- . But on request of Reception Committee it has been revised.
Accommodation, Food and meeting will be organized on the same Venue.
Reception Committee Mathura is trying it‘s best to give better facilities to the leaders and for any assistance and enquiry you may please contact the following besides me.
Com. Shesh Mani Tripathi Circle Secretary-P-III UP- Vice Chairman R/C- 9415470850
Com. V.B. Pachauri-General Convenor Reception Committee- 8664963201
Com. Rajesh Kumar Sharma- D/S P-III Mathura-9411255194
Com. Dinesh Singh Yadav-A/Cs P-III-UP- 8445536386
Com. Ramesh Chand Sharma- D/S P-IV Mathura-9410040913
Com. Pawan Gautam, SPM-Vrindaban-8791084845
The Venue of Federal Council i.e. Mavan Sewa Sangh is at Main Road near to Vrindavan Bus Standand in front of Ramkrishna Misson . The Vriandaban Post Office is also very near to the Venue, just at a walkable distance.
People coming by Train may get down at Mathura Jn. Railway Station. Every time City Buses and Tempos are available for Vrindaban which is 15 KMs away from Mathura Jn. Railway Station.
Those coming by Road from Delhi may come by Yamuna Express Way and can get down at Vrindavan cut..
Federal Councilors of affiliated Unions:
Number of Federal Councilors as per quota received in NFPE HQ
P-III - 28
P-IV - 19
R-III - 11
R-IV - 2
Admn. - 1
Postal Accounts - 2
SBCO - 1
Fraternal delegates
GDS - 10
Casual Labourers - 3
Reception Committee Mathura is all prepared to welcome, the leaders, Guests and Federal Councilors and visitors.
With Fraternal Greetings.
Yours Comradely,
(R.N. Parashar)
Secretary General
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