112 RJCM minutes held on 12-2-2015
Official Side – OLD Items
Official Side – Old Items:
Item No. 1-08/2014:
Restriction on Rule 38 transfers in respect of Visakhapatnam Postal Division :
SSPOs, Visakhapatnam Dn. reported that out of 248 Postal Assts only 34 officials are below 40 yrs of age, Every year the DR vacancies are being filled with Rule 38 transfers from other Dns/Regions/Circle. The pending Rule 38 transfers to Visakhapatnam Region are 13. Out of these some are again above 40 years of age. Thus Visakhapatnam division is not having a fair proportion of younger generation staff who are well versed with computers and physically mobile and agile staff who can easily adopt to the rigors of the new environment and projects. Hence a proposal was sent to CO on 4.7.2013 vide RO, VM letter ST/38/110 and requested to review the position to approve the decision to stop incoming Rule 38 transfers for a period of 5 yrs in view of inability of older staff to cope up with the new skill sets.
CO vide letter s/Misc/R-38/2011 dt 19.7.2013 has examined and the suggestion is not agreed to as (1) There are no Directorate orders to stop Rule 38 transfers all together. (2)The Divisions in Hyderabad City Region, every year Rule 38 transfers are being approved to fill almost all the DR Vacancies and many candidates joining in Hyd. City Region are in young age group. (3) In accepting incoming Rule 38 transfers to Units in Hyd City Region, minimum two years service condition is being observed and the request are balanced between spouse category and long pending request etc.,
Due to change of new environment and projects of IT like CBS etc., it is felt that the issue may be reexamination in the ensuing RJCM meeting to be held on 6.8.2014.
Decision: Report of the committee is yet to be received.
Item No. 2-08/2014:As per the CO instructions vide letter ST/Postman/Misc/2012 dated 23.8.212, a minimum service of 10 years is stipulated as eligibility for posting to the grade of Mail overseer/Sorting Postman/Head Postman and cash Overseer. It is also mentioned by the Directorate in letter No. 44/17/76/SPB I dated 7.2.1977 that there is no relaxation of minimum service for any category.
The Postmen who are having 10 years and above service are unwilling to work as Mail overseer. If the condition of minimum service is not waived, the posts of Mail overseer will have to be kept vacant. Due to non filling up of the posts of Mail overseers difficulties are being faced in respect of
(1) Cash conveyance to the SOs
(2) Verification of High value withdrawals is pending which is resulting in frauds in BOs.
(3) BO visits could not be operated.
(4) Cent percent verification of identified offices are pending.
(5) Cent percent verification of all BOs is pending.
(6) Verification of money orders and other works.
(7) Sub Divisional Heads do not have sufficient assistance in mobilizing Savings Bank/Rural Insurance business for want of Mail overseers.
Decision: Instructions were issued to Regions / Divisions in HCR as per the decision taken in the 111st RJCM Meeting held on 11.11.2014 vide Circle Office letter No. ST / UNION / MailOverseer / 2014 dated 10.12.2014. Report was also submitted to Directorate on the same.
Item No. 3-08/2014:This is regarding filling up of Supervisory posts other than selection grade in HOs/A/B/C Class SOs.
As per Rule.223 of Volume-IV, ordinarily sub office in Class-I should be incharge of officials who have passed the efficiency bar. Those in Class-II should be incharge of officials who have not less than six years service. In special cases, however, this rule may be departed from in view of the local circumstances and monetary responsibilities of an office. In such cases it should be ensured that generally senior fit officials alone are placed in charge of sub offices. A satisfactory record of service shall be an essential condition for appointment of Sub Postmaster.
Consequent after introduction of MACP, no specific guidelines / service conditions for posting of officials in B & C Class offices are received.
At present, the posts of B & C Class offices are filled as per the option given by the officials. If no official volunteers for the post, junior most officials with good record of service are being posted by the Divisional Heads. If no official volunteers for C class office, they are being managed on deputation basis & in respect of B class offices; the PA is looking after the duties of SPM.
In view of the above, it is suggested that a decision may be taken for filling up supervisory posts other than selection grade with MACP-III / MACP-II officials, for smooth functioning of the B & C class offices.
If such a decision is taken, a condition in the RT Notification is to be included to the effect that MACP-III / MACP-II officials will be posted in supervisory posts other than selection grade in HOs/A/B/C Class offices. MACP-III/MACP-II official has to give choice of place accordingly from the notified posts.
Decision:Instructions were issued by the Staff Section of Circle Office vide letter No. ST / UNION / Supervisory Posts / 2014 dated 15.12.2014, to constitute committee to examine the issue in detail, as per the decision taken in the 111st RJCM Meeting held on 11.11.2014. Report of the committee is awaited.
STAFF Side – OLD Items
Staff Side - Old Items:
Item No. 2-08/2012: Irregular Audit objection raised by the P&T Audit for recovery of Incentive paid for NREGS work at Wanaparthy Division.
P&T Audit has made an objection while auditing at Wanaparthy Division for recovery of excess payment of NREGS Incentive from the two officials.
As per PMG (BD), AP Circle orders there is no ceiling for grant incentive for doing NREGS Work. PMG is requested for issue of orders to SPOs Wanaparthy not to recover the incentive from the official.
Decision:The matter has been referred to Directorate by IFA section of DA (P) vide letter No. 752 / IFA / PM II / 64 / RJCM dated 09.01.2015 requesting to supply the copy regarding instructions on payment of incentives and other annual ceiling.
Item No. 1-01/2014:Up gradation of Podili Norm Based LSG SO to HO by down grading Kanigiri. HO:
Kanigiri town is situated at 90 km from divisional head quarter i.e. from Ongole. And 30 km away from state highway connecting Ongole and Kurnool. It is popularly known as fluoride affected area. It will take 3 hours to travel from Ongole to Kanigiri and it will be a problem to get bus facility back to Ongole or other popular villages after 07.00 PM. For medical / educational facility staff has to depend upon Ongole. Due to this staff are un willing to work at Kanigiri.HO. Because of this work at Kanigiri HO is lagging beyond repair. Posting of a regular Postmaster, Accountant even a sub divisional head become a problem. Even posting adequate PA cadre officials is also a problem. Areas like accounts, SB (NREGS), SBCO are most affected. This can be avoided by at least relocating the HO to nearby place like Podili which is comfortably placed at 50 km from Ongole and is on state high way. Staff can stay there keeping themselves at an hour distance from Ongole where they can depend for better medical & educational facilities. This will reduce the staff transfer problems and requisite staff can be posted for bringing the HO administration into main stream.
Connectivity is also most convenient in case of Podili compared to Kanigiri. Table of comparative distances is given below along with attached map. Podili is centrally located for 10 Sos out of 18 Sos under Kanigiri.
Name of the SO
Distance to Podili in km
Distance to Kanigiri in km
Pedda Arikatla
9 to 13
HM Padu
PC Palli
PG Palli
70 (nearer to Kandukur HO at 60 km)
60 (nearer to Kandukur HO at 50 km)
CS Puram
70 ((same to Kandukur HO at 70 km)
Pamuru, Botlaguduru may be attached to Kandukur HO and Vallur (35 km from Kandukur ) may be attached to Ongole (5 km) and Chimakurthy & Tallur from Ongole HO may be transferred to Podili HO at lesser distance.
Decision: Directorate vide letter No. 14-04/2014-PE-I dated 28.11.2014 has requested Circle Office to send detailed report. The same has been forwarded to Vijayawada Region vide Circle Office letter No. EST / Union Items / 2009 dated 08.12.2014. Report has also been sent to Directorate on 23.02.2015. ITEM CLOSED
Item No. 4-01/2014: Security Arrangements in Postal Staff Quarters in Hyderabad City. The Postal Quarters located in the Hyderabad and Secunderabad, there is no security arrangements for the government property and resident’s property in the Government Maintained Staff Quarters. The complaints received from the residents of Postal Staff Quarters Chikkadpally and Uppal regarding thefts of small and big items. The Postal Staff Quarters are provided with 2 or 3 gates to enter to the quarters. As the outsiders entering into the staff quarters and they are nauthorized roaming in the colonies and wherever feasibility, they are not afraid to theft any items left in the premises while they went to their native places. All other cities where the 100 and above quarters is provided with security. It is requested to provide security guards to safeguard the government property as well as residents. They will identify the residents and restrict the outsiders to enter into the premises of government quarters.
Decision:Establishment Section of Circle Office is directed to take necessary action in this regard.
Item No. 5-01/2014: Provision of lift at RO Vishakhapatnam. The RO Vishakhapatnam is constructed with G+3 floors. As per the layout of sections is from 1st floor to 3rd floor is identified for functioning of Regional Office. The staffs who are aged are facing much difficulty to climb the steps and some of the staffs are having knee pains. It is very need of lift provision in the newly constructed Regional Office Vishakhapatnam. Previously, this item was examined by the competent authority, but there is no progress in the provision of lift. As per the plan of the building, there is a need of capsule lift from outside the building. There is no provision was given inside the building to construct the lift. It is requested to examine once again and provide lift to the RO Vishakhapatnam.
Decision:Report received from PMG, Visakhapatnam has been forwarded to Directorate vide Circle Office letter No. Bdg / RO / Lift / VJA & VM dated 20.01.2015.
Lift will be provided on receipt of approval from Directorate.ITEM CLOSED
Item No. 6-01/2014: Up gradation of generator of 62.5 KVA Capacity of Dak Sadan building to higher capacity diesel generator. The present generator is not supporting the power supply to the entire building and lifts of the building are also not coping up to the generator power supply. It is also requested to provide high capacity UPS connectivity to each floor. At the time of construction of this building, the generator was installed. At that time, there was no UPS system connectivity and the Air conditioners were also not connected. The present work of style has changed from manually to computerize. It is very much need of power supply whenever the electricity breakdown is occurred. During the summer, the power cuts are affecting the work of Circle Office including RO Hyderabad and DA (P). The staff is also suffering due to non-connectivity of generator to the lifts. It is requested to provide high capacity diesel generator to the Dak Sadan Building.
Decision:Estimates received from Superintendent Engineer (E) on 07.10.2014 and IFA raised queries on 15.12.2014. IFA queries are still awaited from Electrical Wing.
Item No. 9-01/2014: Provision of cash vans to every HO: Presently most of divisions are marked for payment of social security pensions / wages beside NREGS wages through BOs /SOs. For this adequate cash flow is needed. Security aspect not to be forgotten. Heavy cash is to be conveyed from HOs / cash offices to SOs/BOs. For the purpose a speedy and secured means of transportation is required.
Decision:The report of the committee is yet to be received.
Item No. 10-01/2014:
Non implementation of DOP&T OM No 35034/3/2008-Estt (D) Vol. II dated 4th October 2012. Orders on MACP in true spirit in RMS ‘V’ Dn. and RMS ‘TP’ Dn.
The following officials denied the MACP financial up gradation on the plea for want of required Bench Mark.
1) R.Appanna BCR SA Retd
2) K.Krishana Murthy BCR SA Retd
3) S.Janardhana Rao BCR SA Retd
4) P.K. Rama Rao
5) K.Suryanarayana Rao
6) T.Chiranjeevi Rao
7) P.Ch.Venkataswamy
8) M.A.Murali
9) M.Venkat Rao
10) P.Eeswaramallu RMS ‘TP’ Dn
The MACP cases of RMS ‘V’ Division have been settled as per the report of PMG, Visakhapatnam. The DPC held on Januray-2014 on MACP has not recommended the case of Sri K Eeswaramallu RMS ‘TP’ Division as he is having Average Benchmark for the year 2006-07 to 2009-10. Further, it is to intimate that the contention that Benchmark principle is not applicable to MACP is incorrect as per guidelines issued in DOP& T OM dated 04.10.12.
It is clarified vide para 2 (ii) of DOP& T OM No. 35034/3/2008-Estt.(D) (Vol.II) dated 04.10.2012, communicated vide Circle Office letter No. ST/MACP/Rlgs dated 29.07.2013 that “Whenever promotions are given on non-selection basis (i.e. on seniority-cum-fitness basis), the prescribed benchmark as mentioned in para 17 of Annexure-I of MACP Scheme dated 19.05.2009 shall not apply for the purpose of grant of financial upgradation under MACP Scheme”.
In view of that it is decided to issue instructions to all Units not to apply benchmark in MACP Scheme which is a financial upgradation given on non-selection basis.
Item No. 16-01/2014: Taking into workload instead of incentive in respect of payment of SSP and NREGS. Before fixing the incentive the unions were kept in darkness as no consultation was there and the fixation of incentive is found to be defective. Orders are already in existence for fixation of time factor at the rate of one point for 10 SSP payments. The decision may taken to fix the time factors for the BPM’s instead of incentive.
Decision: Instructions were issued to Regions vide letter No’s. BD / RJCM / Misc / 13-14 dated 01.12.2014 and 15.12.2014 to follow the Directorate instructions in the letter No. 5-1/2007-WS-1 (Pt) dated 16.12.2010 regarding taking workload of Social Security Pensions into BPMs TRCA instead of incentive payment, once the establishment review is completed and TRCA enhanced, if found justified. ITEM CLOSED
Item No. 22-01/2014: Identification of Guntakal RMS as L1 and extension of AG-31 section up to Vijayawada. Consequent on introduction of L1 in the revised orders by the Directorate we request identification of Guntakal RMS as L1 and extension of AG31 section up to Vijayawada.
Guntakal RMS: The issue is pending in Directorate. The issue is being constantly pursued, latest reminder issued on 12.01.2015.
Extension of AG-31:
The issue of extension of AG-31 section up to Vijayawada is linked with merger of Z-31 / AG-26 section, some posts are to be adjusted. Unions are objecting for merger.
In view of this, the item is discussed and dropped.ITEM CLOSED
Item No. 2-04/2014: Recently orders were issued by Directorate redistributing work between L-1, L-2 offices and changing the pattern of closing bags between offices. Earlier while concentrating work at L-1 offices some posts were diverted from L-2 offices. But now after latest orders stated above work load was increased in L-2 offices and there is some decrease in L-1 offices. After the orders posts are to be readjusted between these offices after assessing the work load properly.
In this connection it is suggested that fresh special statistics may be collected in each office and according to that statistics posts may be redistributed between mail offices which will solve the problem of staff shortage some extent and increase efficiency. It is requested that this process may be completed by 30.04.2014.
Decision:Kurnool Region: The following posts were re-diverted from L1 mail offices to L2 mails offices after introduction of new bag closing pattern.
· 2 SA posts from Kurnool RMS/2 to Ananthapur RMS w.e.f. 23.12.2013.
· 1 SA posts from Kurnool RMS/1 to Guntakal RMS w.e.f. 29.11.2013.
· 2 SA posts and 2 MTS posts from Tirupathi RMS/2 to Nellore RMS w.e.f. 23.01.2014.
Further SRM AG Division diverted 1 SA post and 1 MTS post from TMP Dharmavaram Special set to Ananthapur RMS w.e.f. 26.12.2013.
Visakhapatnam Region: PMG, Visakhapatnam stated that there was no diversion since the beginning.ITEM CLOSED
Item No. 3-04/2014:Provision of extra accommodation for mail carrying section for Z-27, Z-12, Z-26 and Z-31. Accommodation provided for mail carrying sections was not sufficient. At present the entire space is occupied by the mails and no room is available even for the staff to prepare mail lists in the sections mentioned above.
Decision:Normally Railway authorities are not providing extra accommodation. Hence, in examination season, they are providing accommodation in Kachiguda-Yeshwanthapur Express. The matter of regulating access in Hyderabad-Yeshwanthapur Express has been taken up with Karnataka Circle CPMG by A.P. Circle vide letter No. Mails / 47 – 10 / EA / 2014 / II dated 25.07.2014. But Karnataka Circle did not agree for the above proposal. CPMG vide D.O. letter dated12.12.2014 has taken up the issue with Directorate for regular extra accommodation in the section for discussion with Railway Board (Z-27, Z-31). Directorate may be reminded.
It was also decided that PMG, Hyderabad Region will float tender for conveyance of mails between Hyderabad and Kurnool.
Item No. 7-04/2014: Provision of centralized A/C to MPCM counters and SB branch at Secunderabad HO. At present SB branch is provided with 4 A/Cs, which were not catering its services due to improper maintenance and insufficient capacity. Hence it is requested to provide centralized A/C to MPCM counters and SB branch located in the ground floor.
Decision:Report is awaited from EE (E).
Item No. 11-04/2014:Provision of AMC to all Generators throughout Andhra Pradesh Circle.
Decision:Tenders floated by Manager, MMS, Hyderabad have already been finalized.
Item No. 12-04/2014:Shortage of all stationary items / forms and computer stationary at PSD, Hyderabad.
Decision:SP, PSD, Hyderabad has stated that General forms and stationery items are being procured and supplied as and when indents are received from the Units of Hyderabad City Region and Hyderabad Region. Regarding Computer Stationery, PSD, Vijayawada identified to float centrally tender for procurement of shift papers for entire Circle. Work orders placed for MPCM stickers and stock will be received in few days.ITEM CLOSED
Item No. 2-08/2014:Irregular merging of treasurer posts with other branches by the Divisional Heads.TCB is a sanctioned post which is approved by the IFA. The posts are filled by selection and the same are allowanced posts. But the Divisional Heads are merging the treasurer posts with some other branches, Hence it is requested to cause to issue necessary instructions in this regard.
Decision:Instructions will be issued to stop merging of posts with immediate effect and to follow the prescribed procedure (Establishment review) and submit proposals for augmentation / redeployment.ITEM CLOSED
Item No. 3-08/2014: Up gradation of Kukatpally SO as HO by downgrading the Vikarabad HO as SO.
Decision:SSPOs, Secunderabad Division is requested to submit a detailed proposal on the items as per the decision taken in the RJCM Meeting held on 11.11.2014. ( i.e., upgrade Begumpet SO into HO by downgrading Vikarabad HO to SO )
Item No. 4-08/2014: Digging of bore wells in all departmental post offices.
Example: Vijayanagar Colony, Banjarahills, Golconda, Khairatabad.
At present these offices are purchasing water on daily basis through tankers. HMWS & SB is also not supplying up to the requirement of the offices.
Decision:Estimates are processed and sanctions are yet to be given.
Item No. 6-08/2014:Up gradation of MAANU post office to norm based LSG office.
Decision:The SSPOs, Hyderabad City Division stated that at present the Post Office is functioning in the accommodation provided by the Urdu University on rent free basis, with limited accommodation in which 1 SPM, 3 PAs, 1 MTS and GDS Pkr and 8 delivery staff are working within the available space of 570 Sft. Until, unless we procure additional accommodation, it is not possible to upgrade this ‘A’ class office into LSG Office. Further the SSPOs intimated that the Registrar MAANU was addressed to provide additional accommodation of 1500 Sft to upgrade the PO to LSG. The reply is stated to be awaited from Registrar MAANU University.
Item No. 9-08/2014: Maintenance of Generators of HOs and LSG Sos by outsiders.
At present Generators of HO and LSG SO are being operated by the staff only. In other organizations like banking they are calling tenders for maintenance of generators from the local agencies. It is very convenient to the Postmasters concerned if the maintenance is attached to private operators.
Decision:Tenders were recalled and floated for AMC are under finalization with MMS, Hyderabad.However it is decided to maintain Generators at major offices through outsourcing persons duly following prescribed procedure on case to case basis.
Item No. 10-08/2014: Creation of 2nd supervisory post at Waltair RS HO.
At present there is one supervisor only for counters and SOs SB work at Waltair RS HO and facing much difficulties in discharging duties. As there is a heavy work and in view of CBS, it is requested to create another supervisory post immediately.
Decision:RO, Visakhapatnam stated that as per the comprehensive review report of Andhra University SO, there is no justification for diverting the post of PRI (P) Andhra University SO as APM SB Waltair RS HO.
However, RO further stated that SSPOs Visakhapatnam has been directed to submit the proposed workload of all the PRI (P)s i.e., Visakhapatnam RS HO, Andhra University SO and Gajuwaka SO, to examine the issue further. PMG, Visakhaptnam has promised to send a proposal to RO, Visakhapatnam soon.
Item No. 11-08/2014: Creation of one more HSG-I supervisory post at Nellore HO.
Consequent on down gradation of Repalle HO there was surplus HSG-I post in Vijayawada Region. In Nellore HO there is a justification for HSG-I post (Treasury & Mails). Hence the same may be attached to Nellore HO for smooth functioning of the office.
Decision:It is decided to discontinue posting of ASP line officials in HSG-I posts in Visakhapatnam, Nellore and Station Kachiguda HOs and fill these posts by General line officials. Assistant Director (Establishment) will take necessary action on this.
Item No. 13-08/2014: Provision of CC Cameras in all Postal Stores Depot.
In view of security it is requested to provide CC Cameras to all Postal Stores Depots in our Circle which is very helpful. At present all types of condemned articles are being kept at PSD, Hyderabad and it become difficult to safe guard by the watchmen.
Decision:PSD, Hyderabad: SP, PSD, Hyderabad has stated provision of CC Cameras is under process.
PSD, Vijayawada: SP, PSD, Vijayawada has stated that CC Cameras are since been provided.
PSD, Rajahmundry: SP, PSD, Rajahmundry has stated that provision of CC Cameras is under process.
PSD, Guntakal: SP, PSD, Guntakal has stated that quotations for CC Cameras have been approved. Due to non availability of funds material could not be purchased.
Item No. 14-08/2014: Grant of incentive to MTS staff who attending the Parcel packing work at GPO and Secunderabad HO.
In Hyderabad GPO and Secunderabad HO, new scheme was introduced for encouraging parcel business. By presenting the article by the customers the MTS staff were packing and stitching the same before booking the article. For this job some service charge is being collecting from the customers. Hence we are requested to grant incentive to the MTS staff who are attending for that job in addition to his normal duties.
Decision:The Chief Postmaster, Hyderabad GPO has suggested 0.50 ps. per article as incentive for MTS Staff who is attending the parcel packing at Hyderabad GPO.
Secretary, Staff Side, RJCM suggested `5/- for each article need to be paid. Marketing Section of Circle Office will examine this proposal and finalize immediately.
Item No. 15-08/2014:Grant of additional FSC for Business Post Offices.
Consequent on introduction of new premium products there was large increase in parcel bags. Hence we request the competent authority may please be issue instructions to the concerned PMGs for grant of additional FSC to close large number of bags closing by the selected post offices.
Decision:It is informed by the SSRM that there are no business post offices in their Division but having 3 business processing centers and it is proposed for grant of additional FSC @ Rs. 1500 /- to each BPC.
Item No. 1-11/2014:Filling of AHRO A/Cs on regular basis
The AHRO A/Cs is lying vacant for the long time and managed by some officiating arrangement for this one senior accountant is deprived in getting the promotion of LSG. We request to fill the vacancy of AHRO A/Cs in RMS ‘V’ Division Visakhapatnam on regular basis without any further delay.
Decision:A detailed proposal has been sent to Directorate for taking necessary action vide Circle Office letter No. St / Union / 2014 dated 06.02.2015 regarding de-reservation of SC vacancy to UR vacancy in LSG Accountant post of RMS wing of A.P. Circle.It is stated by Staff Side that for de-reservation, the case need not be sent to Directorate. This may be examined by Staff Section.
Item No. 2-11/2014:Supplying of canvas bags to all mail offices in Andhra Pradesh circle.
In all most all the mail offices are in acute shortage of canvas bags and most of the parcels are being sent in loose condition causing damages to the parcels. It is requested to supply of sufficient number of canvas bags to all the mail offices in Andhra Pradesh circle to prevent sending the parcel bags in loose condition.
Decision: PSD, Hyderabad: SP, PSD, Hyderabad has stated that technical bids for procurement of PP Bags were opened on 05.02.2015 and PP Bags are sent for testing. PP Bags will be procured and supplied soon after completion of tender process.
PSD, Vijayawada: SP, PSD, Vijayawada has stated that canvas bags are not received from Kolkata since 3 years though indents are placed.
PSD, Rajahmundry: SP, PSD, Rajahmundry has stated that polythene bags are being supplied to needy offices within the jurisdiction.
PSD, Guntakal: SP, PSD, Guntakal has stated that there is no stock of canvas bags. However, polythene bags are being supplied to the needy offices.ITEM CLOSED
Item No. 3-11/2014:Provision of sufficient accommodation for parcel hubs and speed post hubs.
The intra circle speed post hubs and parcel hubs are functioning in congested accommodation in most of the mail offices. Sufficient accommodation may be provided for smooth functioning of parcel and speed post work.
Decision:A shed is under construction at PSD, Hyderabad.
Item No. 4-11/2014:Allotment of sufficient funds to Medical and OTA heads.
The budget allotted to the heads of Medical and OTA is exhausted and only a part of pending bills are cleared. Lot of bills are pending for want of funds. It is requested to allot sufficient funds to clear all pending Medical and OTA bills.
Decision:Revised allotment of funds received from Directorate and distributed among the Regions and Units in City Region under the heads of Account and OTA along with all other heads of accounts. Bills pending in Regions / Units may settle accordingly. If more funds are required, the same will be projected to Directorate during next financial year.ITEM CLOSED
Item No. 5-11/2014:Provision of sufficient accommodation in Z-26in and Z-1in sections.
The Z-26in and Z-1in sections are getting 20 seats only and functioning in congested accommodation due to occupancy of less accommodation by the staff at originating point. The issue may be taken at appropriate level and see that the accommodation is occupied as per the allotment by the railway authorities to those sections.
Decision:Regarding Z-1 section accommodation, a letter addressed to Orissa Circle for justification statistics of N-29 / N-28 sections vide Circle Office letter dated 13.01.2015. No reply is received so far.Regarding Z-26 section, no reply received from Maharashtra Railway authorities. Matter is being persued. Latest reminder issued on 04.02.2015.
Item No. 6-11/2014:Provision of shelter and accommodation to TMO Kachiguda on platform no 1.At present the TMO Kachiguda is functioning from Kachiguda HO premises. Due to this the staff are facing much inconvenience in attending to their duties. It is requested to provide accommodation and shelter to TMO Kachiguda on platform no 1.
Decision:Report is awaited from SSRM, Hyderabad Sorting Division.
Item No. 7-11/2014:Request for grant of honorarium for the fixation of pay in respect of those whose increment falls due from 2.1.2006 to 30.6.2006.
v The work related to fixation of as per the Revised Pay rules 2006 and drawl of arrears ,on pro-rata basis was granted vide the authority contained in DG(P) letter no 42-1/2008 PAP dated 21.12.2009.
v The fixation done to those officials for whose increment fell in the first half of the year 2006 were ordered to be re-fixed by granting one increment as on 31.12.2005 in the pre-revised pay and arrear be drawn accordingly vide MOF OM No. 10/02/2011-E III-A dated 19.3.2012.More than half of the officials pay coming under purview of this stipulation was done and arrear was drawn from 1.1.2006 to 2012.
v The head of the divisions are not granting the honorarium without discerning the actual content and scheme of the work involved in the subject matter by simply misconceiving the matter as sheer grant of one time increment.
v The way in which the fixation was re- fixed as per the MOF OM dated 19.3.2012 and the subsequent instruction contained in the OM dated 22.5.2013 & 3.1.2013 on the procedure to adapted sequel to re fixation all stand to testify the wok done now are replica of the work that was initially done as per the RP rule 2006.
Decision:Grant of honorarium for the work related to fixation of pay in respect of those whose increment falls due from 02.01.2006 to 30.06.2006 may be considered in terms of FR-46(b) and DG P & T’s instructions there under on honorarium.The proposal will be sent to Directorate for approval.
Item No. 8-11/2014:Request for not abolishing the GDSSV/SV post despite there has been decline in sale of stamps on the basis of the latest statistics.
v The statistics of latest nature can not reflect the actual quantum and potential of office in so far as the sales are concerned. There had been a dearth of stamps for a few months and stocks are replenished only recently.
v The work rendered surplus because of the abolition of the stamp vendor have to borne by the counter PAS. The counters are adequately manned due to shortage of staff
and further the augmentations of clerical staff are overdue in many of the offices where the abolition of SV are intended.
v The work of the staff at counters, if interspersed with sale of stamps, the pace and flow of the other main transactions as per the MDW will be terribly upset which will attract the wrath of the customer who have to wait .With addition of more and more new items of work like IMT, Mobile money transfer etc, the counter Pas are really overburdened as each and every transaction of kind requires briefing with customers considerably. It is needless to say what sort of additional work is in store for them once the hand –on – device are introduced and at the stage the output of this performance by field officials are to accommodate in the office transaction.
v Already the sale of stamps are being done at counter in the form of PSR collection which is not assigned with time factor for commutation of the work load .The present work load for booking of accountable articles are one and the same for both type, either stamps affixed or cash collected. If the stamp are to vended by the PAs, inevitably it will tell upon the efficiency of the other work resulting in public to prefer the alternate services.
Decision:The Directorate vide letter No. 4-5/99-E-PE-I dated 03.12.2003 intimated about the revised norms for GDS SV and Depot Stamp Vendors.
Further it was intimated that where there are Multipurpose Counter Machines the post of Stamp vendors / GDS Stamp Vendors is not justified, the work of sale of stamps and stationery should be attached to counter clerks.
Accordingly the Regions / Divisions in HCR were instructed to carry out the reviews and take action accordingly.ITEM CLOSED
Item No. 9-11/2014:Request for sanctioning the 1/4th of full daily allowance, as special allowance, to those who are compulsorily to take up the boarding and lodging at the training institutes
v As per the GOI (3) 2 below SR 164, the officials staying in the residential training programs by paying the fixed rates are to be given special allowance.
v The plea of passing authorities that the new DA rule w.e.f 1.9.2008 cannot be applied is not tenable. As per new rule from 1.9.2008, except new rates (comprising of three components viz. food bill, accommodation and local travel expenditure} none of the other conditions that were in prevalence as on 1.9.2008 were amended. In fact options to claim on either old rate or new rates have also been accorded to options claimants. While the stipulations are so firm and amenable, the contention that the rules prior to 1.9.2008 are extinct is not correct.
v For an example , an official in GP 2400/- has to pay Rs.230 per day for compulsory stay in campus at PTC whereas the same official is entitled to a maximum of Rs.675/-(450+150+75) if they are at liberty to stay outside.
v The difference between the expenditure under compelled state of affair and the official own choice of stay is only sought to be cushioned in the form special allowance to be cushioned in the form of special allowance to equivalent to 1/4th of the DA. This underlying principal and spirit of rule for special kind of DA and officials are to suffer the
loss nevertheless legitimate bindings, leave alone, natural justice behold of officials welfare.
Decision: There is no provision to accede this item as the orders of 5th Pay Commission and 6th Pay commission cannot be implemented together.ITEM CLOSED
Item No. 10-11/2014:Supply of computers and printers in place of condemned out items.
Decision:As per the feedback received from Regions and Divisions in HCR, old and obsolete computers and peripherals have been condemned and supply of computers and peripherals in lieu of condemned systems is requested. After consolidation of data for the Circle, the matter is taken up with Directorate vide letter No. EDP/ Condemnation / Dlgs /2014 -15 dated 19.11.2014 for allocation of funds for procurement and supply to concerned Regions and units.ITEM CLOSED
Item No. 11-11/2014:
Provision of Night Watchman/Security Guard to the offices up to LSG/Grade I office status which are being run in Departmental Buildings though postmaster quarters are available: Keeping in view of Modernization and Technology implementation many of the costly and important data related equipments are arranged in open office. Provision of Night Watchman is very much required now a days.
Decision:It is decided to float a tender for hiring the services of security guards in important Post Offices (LSG or above).
Item No. 12-11/2014:Supply of Sufficient stock of Postage Stamps of all denominations and Revenue Stamps from CSD.
Decision:Superintendent, CSD intimated that the indent placed for public postage stamps and revenue stamps has been received and the same is being supplied to all post offices in the Circle. The matter will be taken up with Directorate for necessary action.
Item No. 16-11/2014:Construction of Cycle Shed and Recreation Room at Wanaparthy HO.
Decision:Report is awaited from PMG, Hyderabad.
Item No. 18-11/2014:Harassment of staff for opening of New accounts and my stamp business even though large number of accounts opened already.
Decision:In view of the decision taken during the last meeting, the item is closed.
Item No. 19-11/2014:Proper maintenance of computer peripherals, UPS and Generators of CBS offices for smooth functioning.
Decision:Every step is taken for proper maintenance of computer peripherals, UPS and Generators of CBS Offices for smooth functioning and items which are not covered under AMC are being got repaired on call basis.
Desktops, Printers and UPS are covered under AMC for proper maintenance. Finalization of AMC for Generators is under process.ITEM CLOSED
Item No. 20-11/2014:Non adherence of Directorate guidelines issued in respect of fraud cases. The Divisional heads/ Disciplinary authorities concerned are not responding in time to initiate the disciplinary action against main offenders and not initiating the action under Revenue Recovery/PAD Act to recover the loss:
Time and again Directorate and Circle Office has been issuing the clear guide lines to be followed in respect of fraud cases to initiate disciplinary action on the main offender and to initiate action under Revenue recovery/PAD Act to recover the loss sustained by the Department. But the same are not followed by the divisional heads/disciplinary authorities, which causes the undue delay in finalizing the cases and recovering the loss. There are clear guidelines issued by the Directorate vide Lr.No.4-22/PT-72/INV dated 04/07/1972 regarding action to be taken by the disciplinary authorities in respect of absconding officials involved in the fraud cases. But the disciplinary authorities concerned are not responding in a timely manner as per the instructions issued by the Directorate. For example, the action on the main offender involved in a fraud case held at SCAB SO under the administrative control of Peddapalli division is still not initiated any action according to the instructions stated above. The fraud case was unearthed in the year 2009 but the disciplinary authority has initiated the action on the subsidiary offenders but he is silent and not followed the prescribed procedure mentioned in the above directorate letter. It is also unfortunate that neither the inspecting authorities nor the immediate superior authority (CLI) had pointed out the lapse of the disciplinary authority in this case. Hence it is once again requested the chairman of this body to immediate intervention in to the case and to ensure strict compliance of the above directorate guide lines in letter and spirit. The erring officials have to be identified and responsibility may be fixed to the disciplinary authorities concerned.
Decision: All Regions and Units in HCR were advised to review all loss and fraud cases keeping in view the instructions contained in the Directorate letter No. 4-22/PT-72/Inv dated 04.07.1972. Regions and Units in HCR stated that the guidelines issued by Directorate / Circle Office from time to time are being followed by the Disciplinary authorities especially in initiating disc action against main offenders and recovery of loss involved in fraud cases.
As regards action on the main offender involved in the SCAB fraud case under Pedapalli Division which was specifically mentioned in the RJCM item, PMG Hyderabad Region informed that the SCAB fraud case came to light on 29.05.2009 and investigation was completed on 08.01.2010. As main offender was absconded and his where abouts were not known and connected documents were seized by the CBI, charge sheet to main offender could not be issued on 31.07.2013 and it was finalized on 19.09.2014. PMG, Hyderabad Region further stated that action for identification of properties held by main offender / co-offender was taken on 22.06.2009 immediately on detection of fraud without any delay.
Assistant Director (Investigation) of Circle Office is directed to submit a suitable reply to this item based on Directorate guidelines.
Item No. 22-11/2014:Uniform procedure to be discussed, finalized and circulated in respect of engaging outsiders for booking of VPP/VPL/BP COD articles through post offices/Parcel Business centres.
There are numerous agencies/firms are approaching postal department for booking of their VPP/VPL/BP COD articles through Post offices/PBCs. Various post offices/PBCs are presently accepting the business from the customers. But various type of methods are adopting for engaging outsiders for booking of the VPP/VPL/BP COD articles as there are no clear guidelines on the subject. Due to lack of clear guidelines Postmasters/In charge of PBCs are not in a position to accept the more number of articles received for booking, which causes down fall of traffic as well as revenue. There are no clear guidelines regarding number of articles to be booked by an outsider per hour/per day. Hence it is requested to the chairman to finalise a uniform policy and circulate the same to all the offices for accepting the more number of articles without any hurdles.
Decision:This is under examination.
Item No. 23-11/2014:Provision of norm based LSG post at Khairatabad HO SBSO branch.
At present nine ledger clerks are working in SBSO branch of Khairatabad HO. There is no supervisor in the cadre of norm based LSG. Norm based LSG post may be provided.
Decision: The CBS is introduced in many of the HOs and the remaining HOs / SOs are also to be brought under CBS very shortly. After introduction of CBS the role of the SBSO Supervisor is not clear in terms of their duties and norms and these are yet to be communicated by the Directorate. The case will be re-examined on receipt of guidelines of Directorate in due course. ITEM CLOSED
Item No. 24-11/2014:Construction of chamber to SPM at Banjara hills SO.
Decision:There is no suitable place for construction of SPM chambers.
Item No. 25-11/2014:Supply of Postal and POSB volumes of the latest editions to all the post offices/ Mail offices in the circle.
Decision:All ROs will be instructed to supply Postal and POSB volumes to the needy Post Offices subject to the availability of funds.ITEM CLOSED
Item No. 26-11/2014:This is regarding recovery of MACP arrears to the MTS officials of CO / RO. The Department of Posts, New Delhi issued clarificatory orders vide OM No. 1-20/2008-PCC dated 04.11.2013 in this OM the DG Posts suspended the orders issued vide DG Letter No. 1020/2008-PCC (Pt) dated 18.7.2011. The Director Postal Accounts, A.P. Circle ordered to recover the amount paid to the eligible MTS from their pensioner benefits i.e. DCRG. As per the DG orders on this issue is pending at Directorate’s level. The HOC are directed to send the all the cases to Directorate for final decision, till that time the payment may not be recovered from the MTS officials. As per the DOPT orders they are eligible for grant of MACP w.e.f. 1-9-2008 as fresh financial up-gradations. The AAO (Pension) not following the DGs orders.
Decision:The recovery is not being effected in Circle Office as the case was already referred to Directorate.However, AAO (A/Cs & Bdgt) may re-examine every case whether withholding of the amount from DCRG is in accordance with Directorate instructions and submit a reply to Union Cell of Circle Office.
Item No. 27-11/2014:The Departmental Canteen at Dak Sadan Building opened on 04.07.2014. The staff of Dak Sadan Building is availaing Tea, Coffee, Butter milk, Sweet, Tiffins. The staff are requesting for provision of meals facility. It is requested to provide the meals in Canteen and provide one cleaner and Assistant Cook in the Canteen to supply as per the demand.
Decision:The canteen in the Dak Sadan is providing meals in after noon @ ` 25 /- per plate with effect from 1st week of January-2015.
Item No. 28-11/2014:No payment of CGIES amounts and information of accrued amount in Service Discharge Benefit Scheme of Postman & MTS Officials selected from GDS cadre by way if the seniority and through 25% quota. Bu the amount details and payments were not effected to the officials in time.
Decision:Though the recoveries are made towards SDBS and Govt. contributions are being affected by the most of the HOs, the schedules are not being forwarded with the details of PRANs of the concerned GDS. Further, the soft copies of the SDBS statements are not being sent by e-mail thereby the work of crediting contributions by uploading the data could be taken with NSDL authorities. The SDBS statements are required to be sent to DA (P), by 5th of following month both hard copy and soft copy.
a) Regarding exit cases of the GDS on account of death / retirement / promotion to a regular post in the department the SDBS-2 statement is required to be forwarded to O/o DA (P) by the Divisions for settlement of claim or transfer of the balance to NPS account as the case may be. The claims are being sent to DA (P) without SDBS-2 statement.
Necessary instructions have been issued to all the Regions and City Units vide letter dated 23.01.2015 to send the SDBS statements with the details of PRANs invariably by e-mail to DA (P), Hyderabad and also to submit the SDBS-2 statements along with the claim in respect of exit cases to enable DA (P), Hyderabad to take further action to settle the cases without delay. ITEM CLOSED
STAFF Side – NEW Items
Staff Side: New Items:
Item No. 1-02/2015:MCDP training programmes are ordered by the divisions in the eleventh hour which causing the inconvenience to the staff members to book the train tickets and arranging the family/social obligations.
Decision:Instructions were issued to Regions / City Units in HCR to avoid delay if any, in intimating the officials nominated about their training at PTC, Mysore vide Circle Office letter No. ST / DA-VI / Union Item / 2012-13 / KW dated 06.02.2015.
However the matter will be taken up with PTC, Mysore to intimate training programmes well in advance.
Item No. 2-02/2015:Presently the staff at CPC, CBS, Sanathnagar are arranged from Hyderabad City Region. The staff side is requested to arrange the staff from other regions other than Hyderabad City Region to avoid shortage of staff in Hyderabad City region and encouraging the staff working in other regions to work in Hyderabad city.
Decision:It is to submit that as per the Directorate guidelines, Circle Office has arranged the 7 PAs (Makers) and 1 MTS against the re-deployed posts. The 7 Makers were posted from Hyderabad City Region. For the 5 System Administrators (Circle CBS Operational Team Members) posts, Circle Office has called for the willingness of the officials from all the Regions of the Circle. None of the officials willingness to work as CBS Operational Team Members at CPC and the Competent Authority has ordered to depute the officials from Hyderabad City Region compulsorily as the CPC is located in Hyderabad.
In view of the latest recruitment in Circle Office, at least 3 or 4 PAs will be posted to CPC, Sanathnagr. APMG (Vigilance) will take necessary action and report compliance.
Item No. 3-02/2015:The leave sanctioning authorities are not granting the CCL to the eligible women employees working in Hyderabad city division and Hyderabad GPO though there are clear cut orders from the DOP and DOPT. Suitable instructions may please be issued to the concerned authorities in this regard.
Decision:Reports called for from Hyderabad City Division and Hyderabad GPO vide Circle Office letter No. ST / GDS / Union / 13 dated 05.02.2015. On receipt of replies, suitable instructions will be given to the Units.ITEM CLOSED
Item No. 4-02/2015:Provision of A/Cs in server room and finance mart in Hyderabad GPO. The A/Cs provided to the branches are not properly working due to non maintenance. Hence it is requested to supply sufficient number of A/Cs to Server room and finance mart.
Decision:Report is awaited from AE (E). Estimates are under process in Circle Office.
Item No. 5-02/2015:Arrest leakage of drain water at Hyderabad GPO delivery hall and repairs to the roof of Hyderabad GPO delivery hall.
Decision:Estimates are under process at Circle Office.
Item No. 6-02/2015:The divisional heads are issuing irregular orders without following the Directorate guidelines. If the affected staff member approaches the next higher authority to rectify the orders issued by the divisional head, the divisional administration is harassing the official in the name of disobeying the orders and second medical opinion and the official has to forcibly go on medical leave till the natural justice is done by the next higher authority. It is requested to take suitable action against those officers who violated the directorate guidelines.
Decision:Staff side, RJCM is requested to give specific cases to give suitable instructions to the concerned Divisional Head.However necessary instructions will be reiterated to all units to avoid such recurrences.ITEM CLOSED
Item No. 7-02/2015:Redeployment of HSG-II post from RO Kurnool to RO Hyderabad. Since, there is no senior official in the feeder cadre of LSG nor available in the seniority list. This item was raised several times in the recent past. There will be no financial burden to the exchequer or department. Due to this non-redeployment of the post, the next feeder to the HSG-I will remain vacant and it will badly affect the senior most officials in the cadre of PACOs. It is requested to redeploy the HSG-I post from Circle Office to RO Kurnool and redeploy the HSG-II post to the RO Hyderabad/Circle Office.
Decision:It is to intimate that the Directorate vide letter No. 25-13/2013-PE-I dated 26.03.2014 asked to update Establishment registers and guard files in the Circle / Regional / Divisional offices for uploading the information in the system for roll out of the CSI Project and once the information is uploaded and it will be frozen.
It is intimated that there is a provision to alter the information and intimate the same to Directorate. Assistant Director (Establishment), Circle Office may please take necessary action immediately.
Item No. 8-02/2015:Change in the rates of educational scholarships for the wards of Postal Employees. Recently, all the loans and advances merged 50% when DA was crossed 100%. The present rates of scholarships for technical and non-technical scholarships rates also to be revised with 50% merger of rates with the monthly rate of scholarships for this current academic year from 01.07.2014, as the DA was crossed 100% from 01.07.2014.
Decision:As the rates of Scholarships will be fixed by the Directorate only, the members of the Staff Side, RJCM is requested to take up the matter with the Directorate.
Item No. 9-02/2015:Confirmation of Postal Assistants recruited on basis of new recruitment rules. It was clearly mentioned that the probation period of the newly recruited PAs are two years and after completion of probation period the divisional heads have to conduct DPC to confirm the officials. But the procedure prescribed in the new recruitment rules are not following by the recruiting units. It is requested to issue suitable instructions to the recruiting units to convene DPCs immediately and act accordingly to confirm the officials.
Decision:As per the Recruitment Rules of PA / SA, probation period after completion of two (2) years has to be confirmed by the appointing authority by conducting DPC. In the instant case no specific instance specified by the Staff Side, RJCM. However, the rules on the subject are being reiterated to all concerned. ITEM CLOSED
Item No. 10-02/2015:Time and again orders have been issued by the Circle Office as well as Directorate to convene regular monthly meetings with the service unions. The item has been taken in this forum to issue suitable instructions to the divisional heads to convene monthly meetings regularly. The chairman, RJCM has been issued orders to intimate the date of monthly meetings with the service unions in the fortnightly report submitted by the divisional heads. But the instances have come to the notice of this union that some of the divisional heads are not convening regular monthly meetings though Circle office has been issued orders in this regard. It is requested to take suitable action against those officers who are not convening the monthly meetings with service unions regularly to set right the things.
Decision:Instructions were reiterated to Regions / Units in HCR vide Circle Office letter No. U / 11- 112 / RJCM / 2015 dated 29.01.2015 to hold monthly meetings by Divisional Heads with the Service Unions / Associations and also requested to submit the fortnight reports to the concerned ROs and to Circle Office in respect of City Units in HCR.ITEM CLOSED
Item No. 11-02/2015:Construction of separate drinking water sump at Sanathnagar I.E SO. Now in the present sump the drainage water is mixing, hence it is requested to construct separate drinking water sump.
Decision:Estimates are yet to be received from Civil Wing.
Item No. 12-02/2015:Payment of allowances to the paid substitutes who are working in the leave/vacant posts of postmen and MTS continuously for six days are eligible for payment of allowances for seventh day also. But in Hyderabad City division and Hyderabad GPO not paying.
Decision:The Sr. Supdt. of Post Offices, Hyderabad City Division and Chief Postmaster, Hyderabad GPO intimated that the allowances are being drawn and paid for Sundays also to the substitutes who are working in the place of Postman and MTS continuously for 6 days also continues on Monday also.ITEM CLOSED
Item No. 13-02/2015: Filling up of the following posts at Postal Dispensary, Rajahmundry. As per the establishment the posts are vacant. Medical Officer-2, Staff Nurse-1, Lab Technician-1, Pharmacists-1. Nursing orderly-1, Office Peon-1, Part time scavenger-1.
In view of the above shortage patients are not getting proper treatment. It is requested to fill up all the vacant posts at Postal Dispensary, Rajahmundry.
Decision:Powers relating to filling up of the vacant posts of various cadres in Postal Dispensaries are vested with the Ministry of Family Welfare.
Hence, the matter is being continuously brought to the notice of the Directorate, to take up the matter with the Ministry of Family Welfare.
(The matter is taken up with Directorate vide Circle Office letter(s) No. ST / PMS / 2011 dated 22.11.2012, 10.04.2013, 23.09.2013 & on 12.12.2014.)ITEM CLOSED
Item No. 14-02/2015:Irregular utilization of General Line HSG-II official in the post which is identified for accounts HSG-II (AHRO A/Cs) at RMS ‘Z’ Division.
At present the General line HSG-II official is working at AHRO (A/Cs) which is identified for accountant line. Hence the post may be filled up with accounts line official only.
Decision: No LSG Accountants with minimum 3 years of service in LSG cadre is eligible for the post of HSG-II (Accounts Line) in RMS ‘Z’ Division and they will be considered to HSG-II cadre as per eligibility. ITEM CLOSED
Item No. 15-02/2015:Rewiring of Nizamabad RMS.
The electrical fittings and wiring of Nizamabad RMS was damaged and causing electrical shock to the officials and at the time of rain, it becoming bad to worst. Rewiring is essentially required at Nizamabad RMS.
Decision: This was already carried out.ITEM CLOSED
Item No. 16-02/2015:
As per the Directorate orders the Infosys officials has to feed the data entries related to POSB, RD and Certificates etc.,
In so many places the date entry operators are feeding wrong entries and the matter was brought to the notice of the Divisional Superintendents by the Postmasters, the same is not rectified. Suitable instructions may be given to all concerned.
Decision:It is to submit that, as per the guidelines of Directorate, the Infosys Vendors were authorized to digitize the Manual Data at POs for migration to CBS platform. After the digitization of data by the vendors of Infosys, the data has to be verified by the concerned Postmasters / Supervisors. If there is any error in the digitized data the same will be rectified by the vendors. Then after the concerned Supervisor / Postmaster has to ensure the correctness of the digitized data and give the sign-off report to the vendor. If any error is notified after providing the sign-off to the vendor, the vendor is not responsible for the same.
If any such cases are notified in the POs, the same will be brought to the notice of Circle Office for taking up the case with Infosys for rectification. ITEM CLOSED
Item No. 17-02/2015:Request for reopen of RLO at Hyderabad GPO. At present the RLO Hyderabad is functioning at GPO Building 1st floor with One PA and One MTS. As on date 6000 to 7000 Registered articles to be processed and to be delivered / destroyed. The RLO Staff services are utilizing in Circle Office / RMS Hyderabad Sorting Division. The present PA RLO is proceeding on leave, it is very difficulty manage the office. It is requested to provide suitable accommodation at Hyderabad GPO with 5 PAs to function the RLO with sanctioned Establishment.
Decision: Instructions were issued by Staff Section of Circle Office for posting of one PA to RLO, Hyderabad vide letter No. ST / Staff Matters / 14-15 dated 27.02.2015.
Regarding accommodation, a joint inspection is to be conducted by AD (Bldgs) and AD (Mails) to the GPO to decide / finalize the accommodation.
Item No. 18-02/2015:Request for allocation of Budget for replacement of old drainage system in Postal quarters, Chikkadapally, Hyderabad.
It is reported by the residents of Postal quarters, Chikkadapally, Hyderabad that the old drainage system at D-Block and E-Block are damaged. It is requested to allocate sufficient funds for repair and replacement of old drainage system.
Decision:A detailed report from Civil Wing along with necessary estimates to be obtained.

सहायक पोस्टमास्टर जनरल (वि.से. & व्य.वि.)
Assistant Postmaster General (FS & BD)
मु.पो.मा.ज.कार्यालय, आं.प्र.सर्किल, हैदराबाद – 500 001
O/o CPMG, A.P.Circle, Hyderabad – 500 001
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